10 Common Plumbing Blunders Homeowners Must Avoid

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A homeowner's greatest asset is the knowledge they possess about their home's upkeep. Among the most critical and frequently overlooked areas is plumbing. A single plumbing mistake could lead to substantial damage and cost. Here, we shed light on 10 typical plumbing mistakes and how to prevent them.

1. Neglecting to Locate the Main Water Shutoff Valve

The moment a pipe bursts or a leak springs, knowing the location of your main water shutoff valve could be the difference between a minor inconvenience and a major catastrophe.

Pro Tip: Don't wait for a plumbing emergency to discover your shutoff valve. Take a moment now to locate it and ensure it functions correctly.

2. Over-tightening Fittings and Connections

Many homeowners assume that if a little tightening is good, a lot of tightening must be better. Unfortunately, over-tightening can strip threads, break bolts, or crack fittings, leading to leaks.

Pro Tip: Always use the appropriate tool for tightening fittings and connections, and don't overdo it.

3. Flushing the Wrong Items down the Toilet

Toilets aren't rubbish bins. Flushing anything other than human waste and toilet paper can lead to significant blockages.

Pro Tip: Educate everyone in your household about what can and cannot be flushed down the toilet.

4. Ignoring Small Leaks

A small leak might seem insignificant, but it can lead to substantial water wastage over time. In addition, ignoring leaks often allows small problems to become big, expensive ones.

Pro Tip: Regularly check all visible plumbing for signs of dripping or pooling water.

5. Improper Use of Drain Cleaners

Drain cleaners can solve minor clogs, but their harsh chemicals can cause more harm than good, damaging pipes over time.

Pro Tip: Consider using a plunger or plumber's snake for minor clogs and leave serious blockages to the professionals.

6. Attempting DIY for Major Plumbing Issues

While it's good to be handy around the house, some jobs require a professional. Trying to tackle major plumbing issues without the proper knowledge or tools can lead to disastrous consequences.

Pro Tip: When in doubt, call a professional Tauranga plumber. It's often cheaper in the long run.

7. Lack of Insulation on Exposed Pipes

Exposed pipes without insulation, particularly in cold environments, can easily freeze and crack. This can lead to leaks or even more serious damage.

Pro Tip: Protect your exposed pipes with quality insulation to prevent potential freezing.

8. Disregarding Regular Plumbing Inspections

Regular plumbing inspections are paramount for any household. They allow you to identify and fix potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs.

Pro Tip: Schedule an annual plumbing inspection with a professional service. This small investment can save you a significant amount in the long run.

9. Incorrect Plumbing Installations

Incorrect installation of fixtures and appliances can lead to malfunctions, leaks, and potentially severe water damage.

Pro Tip: Always follow manufacturers' instructions when installing new appliances and fixtures. If you're uncertain, hire a professional to ensure it's done right.

10. Failure to Maintain the Hot Water System

Hot water systems need regular maintenance to function efficiently and have a long lifespan. Ignoring this can lead to sudden malfunctions or the need for premature replacement.

Pro Tip: Schedule regular maintenance for your hot water system to ensure it operates efficiently and lasts longer.

A well-maintained plumbing system is the backbone of a functional home. Avoid these common mistakes to ensure your plumbing remains in top condition.

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