Best All Year Round Water Conservation Tips

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Water is a precious resource, and conserving it is a responsibility we all share, irrespective of the season. At Mount Maunganui Plumbing & Gas, we understand the importance of water conservation and are committed to helping homeowners in Tauranga implement effective strategies. Drawing inspiration from the Invercargill City Council's excellent water conservation tips, we've tailored a comprehensive guide that householders everywhere can follow to make a significant impact.

Water Wise in the Kitchen

Your kitchen is a hotspot for water usage, but it's also where you can make significant conservation efforts:

Mindful Cleaning: Avoid running water when washing dishes or peeling vegetables. Instead, use a plugged sink.

Dishwasher Savvy: Only run full loads and skip pre-rinsing dishes.

• Tight Taps: Ensure all taps are fully closed to prevent dripping.

Chilled Water on Hand: Keep a jug in the fridge to avoid running the tap for cold water.

Smart Defrosting: Thaw food in the fridge or microwave, not under running water.

Efficient Cooking: Use pressure cookers and steamers to save water. Boil with lids on to minimize evaporation.

Repurpose Cooking Water: Reuse it for soups or watering plants.

Eco-friendly Appliances: Choose dishwashers with high water conservation ratings.

Dishwashing Tips: Use less detergent to reduce rinse water needed.

Water Wise in the Garden

Gardens can consume a lot of water, but with these tips, you can keep your garden lush while conserving water:

Timing is Key: Water late in the evening or early morning.

Weather Check: Let nature water your garden when possible.

Use Trigger Hoses: Avoid sprinklers and target the water directly to plant roots.

Selective Watering: Water only the plants that need it.

Moderation: Avoid overwatering.

Car Wash Smart: Wash on the lawn using a bucket, and rinse with a hose sparingly.

Composting: Retains moisture and suppresses weeds.

Wind Factor: Avoid watering in windy conditions.

Rainwater Harvesting: Collect and use for watering.

Greywater Utilization: Reuse household water in the garden.

Lawn Care: Keep grass longer to retain moisture.

Sweep, Don’t Hose: Clean paths with a broom.

Drought-Resistant Plants: Choose species that require less water.

Water Wise in the Bathroom

Bathrooms are another major area of water use:

Conserve While Grooming: Turn off the tap when brushing teeth or shaving.

Toilet Smarts: Use it appropriately and check for leaks.

Water-Saving Tricks: Place a water-filled bottle in the cistern.

Efficient Fixtures: Install dual-flush toilets and low-flow showerheads.

Water Wise in the Laundry

Laundry rooms can also be optimized for water conservation:

Full Loads: Only wash with a full load.

Right Settings: Match the water level to the size of your laundry load.

Hand Washing Efficiency: Use a plugged sink and reuse rinse water.

Leaky Taps and Pipes

Leaks can significantly waste water:

Fix Drips: Contact a plumber for leaky taps or pipes.

Emergency Actions: Know how to shut off your water in case of a burst pipe.

Community Vigilance: Report street leaks or water problems to your council.

At Mount Maunganui Plumbing & Gas, we're more than just plumbers and gas fitters; we're partners in helping you conserve water throughout the year. By adopting these simple yet effective habits and being mindful of our water usage, we can all contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly lifestyle. Remember, every drop counts, and together, we can make a difference. For any plumbing needs or advice on water conservation, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Let's work together for a greener, more water-wise community in Tauranga.

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